Monday, August 25, 2008

Ambiguities: there is not such a things as one truth

The amount of information I have been processing in my head is such that it is taking me some time to understand things. Learning more about the different pueblos indigenas of Argentina, their location, language, and cultural identities has been interesting, but also challenging. The problem is that on top of that, I realized that sometimes my informants give me different sides of the same story. Their perspectives differ and then I don't know who is right. There is not such a thing as one truth. Everything has two sides....or more! I have to be careful and try not believe everything people tell me. I need to be aware of my biases and their biases.

This is also true for a bigger scale of things. Today, I was talking to Eva Puca, an Aymara that is part of the CJIRA (the Commission of Indigenous Lawyers in Argentina). She said that I will be able to compare the reality of the indigenous communities with that the IMF and other global agencies show to the world. Only after learning about both sides, I will be able to form my own opinion of what is "true". I am excited to learn more about these different perspectives and discover that one "true."

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About Me

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I am very contradictory sometimes....maybe like every woman. Sometimes, I mean one thing, but I also mean the opposite. I am very sensitive, but also very practical. My mom always says that I am too sensitive. I disagree…sometimes. Recently, I have discovered that I love adventure sports. At least, I want to go sky diving once in my life! I like adventure quite a lot and traveling to new places. I like change, but when I decide I want that change. It is a lot harder to accept change when it just happens without notice. I am optimistic, energetic and outgoing. I love my family and friends and I miss them very much because I usually move quite a lot. I tried keep in touch, but sometimes I take too long to reply. I consider myself very lucky! I like to do things that make me happy and I am lucky that I have been able to live the life I want. I think that life is one and short...there is no second chance. So you need to do what you like, what makes you most passionate. That is why I am going into development and I am quite excited! I want to help to start making a difference. I want help others to have the opportunities I had.