Thursday, July 31, 2008

First day: Buenos Aires my first stop!

Today is my first day and it has a very eventful day full of adventures and also stressful situations! ....all part of the experience right? the night before I was in the JFK airport in New York with my mom and Bartek checking in for my flight....and guess what? I discovered Mexico requires a transit visa, which of course I didn´t have! so after some time they let me check in but in Mexico I needed to be scourted to a room where all the other people without visas was. I wasn´t allowed to be hanging out by myself at the airport, not even to buy food. However, everybody (the people taking care of me and also the people without visas) was very nice. One of the officers who was with me in the Mexican airport had told me that that room wasn´t too nice! But I am happy he was wrong!

After sleeping sitting in a chair for 5 hours waiting for my flight, I got on board and everything was much much much better. But then I realized that in fact I didn´t have the address of the studio I rented in Buenos Aires. I just had the name of the two streets! too late! it was past 9pm, so the offices were closed. No phone number to contact....I decided not to freak out.

In the cue of immigration I met this guy he is from England, but I really thought he was Spanish because he had the accent and everything! Very interesting person! He was working at a publicity agency that has to do with glamour and fashion. He got tired of his job, his friends, his family, his life, and he decided to leave and travel around the world. He has been traveling for the past 7 months!

Continuing with my story, it turned out thatwe were heading to the same neighborhood and decided to share a cab. When we finally reach my destination....I couldn´t find the apartment. Ohhh! I wanted to cry! but then after looking for an hour, I said to myself it was going to be fine. I thought ´I probably can find a hostel for the night´....well, it was harder than I thought because all the hostels were fully booked! THen I really wanted to cry! hahaha. Now I think it is funny, but at that moment it was a nightmare! but Andres (the guy I met in the airport) found a hostel for me. This is where I am writing to you now! I share the room with other 6 guys, all from different parts of the world, Italy, Ecuador, and even Peru! everyone here is very nice and helpful.

I just got an email from the company who rented me the apartment, and now I have the address. Tomorrow morning I will be moving in...I hope!

My first day was a real adventure that for sure I won´t time I have to double check for the right address and transit visa requirements!

About Me

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I am very contradictory sometimes....maybe like every woman. Sometimes, I mean one thing, but I also mean the opposite. I am very sensitive, but also very practical. My mom always says that I am too sensitive. I disagree…sometimes. Recently, I have discovered that I love adventure sports. At least, I want to go sky diving once in my life! I like adventure quite a lot and traveling to new places. I like change, but when I decide I want that change. It is a lot harder to accept change when it just happens without notice. I am optimistic, energetic and outgoing. I love my family and friends and I miss them very much because I usually move quite a lot. I tried keep in touch, but sometimes I take too long to reply. I consider myself very lucky! I like to do things that make me happy and I am lucky that I have been able to live the life I want. I think that life is one and short...there is no second chance. So you need to do what you like, what makes you most passionate. That is why I am going into development and I am quite excited! I want to help to start making a difference. I want help others to have the opportunities I had.